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Every Software Engineer is an Economist

Avishek Sen Gupta on 22 January 2023

Background: This post took me a while to write: much of this is motivated by problems that I’ve noticed teams facing day-to-day at work. To be clear, this post does not offer a solution; only some thoughts, and maybe a path forward in aligning developers’ and architects’ thinking more closely with the frameworks used by people controlling the purse-strings of software development projects.

The posts in this series of Software Engineering Economics are, in order:

[WIP] Here is a presentation version of this article.

The other caveat is that even though this article touches the topic of estimation, it is to talk about building uncertainty into estimates as a way to communicate risk and uncertainties with stakeholders, and not to refine estimates. I won’t be extolling the virtues or limitations of #NoEstimates, for example (sidebar: the smoothest teams I’ve worked with essentially dispensed with estimation, but they also had excellent stakeholders).

“All models are wrong, but some are useful.” - George Box

Every software engineer is an economist; an architect, even more so. There is a wealth of literature around articulating value of software development, and in fact, several agile development principles embody some of these, but I see two issues in my day-to-day interactions with software engineers and architects.

Thinking in these terms, and projecting these decisions in these terms to managers, heads/directors of engineering – but most importantly, to execs – is key to engineers articulating value in a manner which is compelling, and eases friction between engineering and executive management. It is also a skill engineers should acquire and practise to break several firms’ perceptions that “engineers are here to do what we say”.

This is easier said than done, because of several factors:

Most of the thinking and tools discussed in this article have been borrowed from domain of financial engineering and economics. None of this material is new; a lot of research has been done in quantifying the value of software-related activities. The problem usually is translating those ideas into actions.

For these ideas to effectively work, they must permeate all the way across developers to tech leads to architects to managers. Thus, this article is divided into the following sections:

Simplifying Assumptions

Key Concepts

1. Net Present Value and Discounted Cash Flow

The concept behind the Time Value of Money is to calibrate some amount of money in the future to the present value of money. The idea is that a certain amount of money today is worth more in the future. This is because this money can be invested at some rate of return, which gives you returns in the future. Hence, receiving money earlier is better than receiving it late (because you can invest it right now). Similarly, spending money later is better than spending it right now, because that unspent money can earn interest. If \(r\) is the rate of return (sometimes also called the hurdle rate), then \(P_0\) (the amount of money right now) and the equivalent amount of money \(P_t\) after \(t\) time periods are related as:

\[P_0=\frac{P_t}{ {(1+r)}^t }\]

When making an investment, there are always projections of cash inflows and outflows upto some time in the future, in order to determine whether the investment is worth it. The sum of all of these cash flows (corrected to Net Present Values) minus the investment is a deciding factor of whether the investment was worth it; this is the Discounted Cash Flow, and is written as:

\[DCF(T)=\sum_{t=1}^T \frac{ CF(t)}{ {(1+r)}^t }\]

where \(CF(t)\) is the cash flow at period \(t\), and \(r\) is the rate of return. Subtracting the investment from this value gives us the Net Present Value. If the NPV is positive, the investment is considered worth making, otherwise not.

2. Financial Derivative and Call Options

A Financial Derivative is a financial instrument (something which can be bought and sold) whose price depends upon the price some underlying financial object (henceforth called “underlying”). For simplification, assume that this underlying is a stock. Thus the price of a derivative depends upon the price of the stock.

A Call Option is a kind of financial derivative. There are different kinds of call options; for the purposes of this discussion, we will discuss American Call Options, and simply refer to it henceforth as “option”. The following are the characteristics of a call option (options in general, in fact):

The idea is that we can pay a (relatively) small amount to fix the price of the stock for the lifetime of the option. If we choose to never exercise the option, the option lapses, and we have incurred a loss (because we paid for the option premium).

Thus, options allow us to speculate on rising stocks. It is worth noting that there is the counterpart to the Call Option, which is the Put Option, which gives us the option to sell a stock at the specified strike price.

1. Articulating Value: Communicating Uncertainty and Risk in Estimation Models

Scenario: The team is asked to estimate a certain piece of work. The developers and analysts put together the usual RAIDs (Risks, Assumptions, Issues, Dependencies), and come up with a number (or, if they are slightly more sophisticated, they throw a minimum, most likely, and maximum value for each story). They end up adding up the maximum values to get an “upper bound”, do the same thing to the other two sets of estimates to get a total lower bound, and a total likely estimate. The analyst or the manager goes “This is too high!”. The developers go back to their estimates and start scrutinising the estimates, all in the hope of finding something they can reduce. Most of the time, they simply end up lowering some estimates (by fiat, or common agreement); this may be accompanied by a rational explanation or not: the latter is usually more common.

Happy with this number, the manager marches off to the client and shows off this estimate. The budget is approved; work commences. Then along comes the client all indignant: “We are not meeting the sprint commitments! The team is not moving fast enough!” Negotiations follow. No side ends up happy.

There are so many things wrong in the above picture; unfortunately, this can happen more often than not. What has happened here is a failure of communication; between the developers and the manager, and between the team and the client. One of the primary reasons for this is the false sense of accuracy and precision that comes with ending up with a single number, and the lack of tools to articulate the uncertainty behind this number. What does “upper bound” mean? Are you saying it will never go past this number?

If there is a clear way of communicating this uncertainty, the team can make an informed decision of what level of risk they are taking up when committing to a certain estimate. The client would certainly appreciate this, instead of receiving a single number which ends up being treated as an ironclad guarantee of the date of delivery.

Thankfully, we can communicate this uncertainty using some time-tested statistical tools.

Estimation Procedure using Confidence Levels

See this spreadsheet for a sample calculation. In the diagram below, the normal distribution on the far right is the final distribution resulting from convolving all the story estimates (which are normal distributions themselves). The Y-axis has been scaled by 1000 for ease of visualisation.

Uncertainty in Estimates Estimation Calculations

As you can see, the attempt to find a naive lower and upper bounds by summing the lower and upper bounds gives us 210 and 385. In fact, it is misleading to call these simply lower and upper bounds. They are bounds, but in this case, we want to use the term 90% confidence level upper/lower bounds. This implies that the estimators are 90% sure that the estimates for the first story (for example) lies between 10 and 30. Using this metric and using proper convolution techniques yields these bounds as 270 and 324, which is different from the value of naive summation, and is the correct result. With more stories, the gap between the convolution approach and the naive summation increases. One point about the 90% confidence level: whether narrowing this uncertainty is worth it (without artificially manipulating numbers) is the subject of the discussion in Articulating Value: The Value of Measurement. However, the point is to not settle on a single number, but to always use a range of values. This, in itself, is not new. However, the upper and lower bounds are always taken as fixed, without any discussion around the risk involved in picking a lower estimate.

This is what the above calculation brings out. In this simplifying example, we have chosen the estimates to be normal distributions, to keep calculations simply. It could even be a fat-tailed distribution like a Log-Normal Distribution (to bias it towards higher estimates), but then we’d need to run Monte Carlo simulations to come up with the data. So, let’s keep it simple for now.

The correct approach of convolving the estimate sdistributions of all the stories results in the single normal distribution above. With this graph, we can answer questions like:

The idea is that you can now communicate risk in your estimates, in the form of risk exposure. This is done by finding the expected differential between your upper bound and the overshoot value of the normal distribution from the probability at the upper bound to \(\infty\). In this case, risk exposure communicates how much extra time (and consequently, money) will need to be expended, if the estimate overshoots 310 (assuming the budget was allotted only for 310).

The risk exposure curve for the above scenario is shown below:

Risk Curve above 310

Interesting Note: The IEEE-CS/ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practices requires software professionals to quote uncertainties along with their estimates.

2. Articulating Value: The Value of Timing (aka, Real Options)

Real Options

Competent Architects and Engineers identify Real Options. Good Architects and Engineers create Real Options.

We have already talked about options earlier. Here we talk about Real Options, which are the strategic equivalent of Call Options. Most of the characteristics remain the same; however, real options are not traded on financial markets, but are used as a tool to optimise investments. We will delve into some of its possible applications in architectural decision-making and technical debt repayment, by way of example. Specifically, the YAGNI principle derives from the Real Options approach. See the following references for excellent discussions on the topic:

Here is an example. Let us assume that we have an Architecture Decision that we’d like to implement. The investment to implement this is 70. We project the following probabilities:

Furthermore, we have determined that the Risk-Free Rate of Interest and the Risk Interest Rate are 6% and 10%, respectively. These will be used to calculate the Discounted Cash Flows.

The two scenarios are presented in this spreadsheet.

Real Option Valuation

We see that the Expected Net Present Value is 3.9. This is a positive cash flow, so we might be tempted to implement the architecture decision right now. However, consider the risk. There is a 30% chance that the investment will be more than the savings and that we will end up with a negative cash flow of 25.

Let us assume that we wait a month to gather more data or more importantly, run a spike to validate that this architecture will pan out to give us the desired savings. How much should we invest into the spike? Usually, spikes are timeboxed, but for larger architecture decisions, we can also put a economic upper bound on investment we want to make in the spike.

The second set of calculations above show the second scenario of waiting a month. We see that if we can eliminate the uncertainty of incurring a loss (i.e., the [30%,15] scenario), the Net Present Value of the endeavour comes to 11.33. This is much higher than the NPV of the first scenario. This implies that waiting for one month doing the spike, and then making a decision is more valuable.

More importantly, this value of 11.33 gives us the Option Premium, which is the maximum value we’d like to pay in order to eliminate this uncertainty of loss. Note that this number is much less than the investment we’d have to make. Essentially, we are paying the price of eliminating uncertainty, and we’d like to make sure that this price is not too high.

Incidentally, the above calculations use the Datar-Matthews, because its parameters are more easily estimatable, but it also gives the same results as the famous Black-Scholes Model, which is used to price derivatives in financial markets.


So, to reiterate: real options are valuable because they allow us to make smaller investments to eliminate uncertainty on the return on investment for a large investment, without actually making that investment immediately, but deferring it. The value comes from deciding whether to defer this investment or not, whether this investment is implementing an architectural decision, or repaying tech debt. In many situations, the Real Option Premium is effectively zero, which means we don’t really need to do anything, but can just wait for more information on whether the investment seems worthwhile or not.

More philosophically, every line of code we write is an investment that we are making right now: an investment which might be worth delaying. Articulating this value concretely between engineers grounds a lot of discussions on what is really valuable to stakeholders, and will preempt a lot of bike-shedding.

3. Articulating Value: Economics and Risks of Tech Debt and Architectural Decisions

Here is some research relating Development Metrics to Wasted Development Time:

ATD must have cost=principal (amount to pay to implement) + interest (continuing incurred costs of not implementing ATD)

The following is an example of how a cash flow of an architectural decision might look like.

graph LR; architecture_decision[Architecture Decision]-->atd_principal[Cost of Architectural Decision: Principal]; architecture_decision-->recurring_atd_interest[Recurring Costs: Interest]; architecture_decision-->recurring_atd_savings[Recurring Development Savings]; architecture_decision-->atd_option_premium[Architecture Option Premium]; style architecture_decision fill:#006fff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff

Incorporating economics into daily architectural thinking

Here are some generic tips.

Here are some tips for specific but standard cases.

1. The Economics of Microservices

If you are suggesting a new microservice for processing payments, these might be the new cash flows, as an example:

graph LR; microservice[Microservice ADR]-->database[Cloud DB Resources]; microservice-->hosting[Cloud Hosting Resources]; microservice-->development_cost[Development Cost]; microservice-->latency[Latency]; microservice-->bugs[Fixing bugs]-->bugfix_time[Wasted Bugfix Time Costs]; microservice-->downtime[Downtime]-->lost_transactions[Lost Transaction Costs]; microservice-->microservice_option_premium[Architecture Seam: Option Premium]; style microservice fill:#8f0f00,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff

2. The Economics of Technical Debt repayment

The following is an example of how a value tree of a (general) Tech Debt might look like.

graph LR; debt[Tech Debt]-->principal[Cost of Fixing Debt: Principal]; debt-->interest[Recurring Cost: Interest]; debt-->td_option_premium[Tech Debt Option Premium]; debt-->risk[Risk-Related Cost, eg, Security Breach]; style debt fill:#006f00,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff

Example Tech Debt Cash Flow

We see options thinking happening on projects to some degree; however they are either not explicitly articulated, nor are the value of these decisions explicitly communicated to stakeholders. This is corroborated in the paper How Do Real Options Concepts Fit in Agile Requirements Engineering?, where they attempt to answer some research questions. The ones of interest are listed below, and the relevant excerpts are quoted from this paper.

Research Question: What is the level of agile software organizations’ awareness of using options thinking in support of agile requirements reprioritization?

“Both the literature sources and the case study showed that there is awareness in the organizations, and that they apply option thinking for making mid-course project decisions, both from clients and developers perspective. Although the agile companies propagate development process driven only by value creation for the client, we observed that in practice option thinking is intrinsic for the developers as well. They consider trade offs between quality and schedule…”

Research Question: In which way does options-thinking add value?

” In the searched literature, we could not find a case where options are explicitly documented and compared in terms of value or in other quantitative way.”

Research Question: Which aspects of using options thinking in agile RE can be recognized as topics for future research?

“…we found that the options thinking is mostly described in terms of how it works for developers’ organizations. The perspective of the clients’ organizations seems under-researched.”

“We must note that in the literature, we found instances of using options-thinking which represent anecdotic experiences of either agile consultants or agile-practiceadopting organizations. We were really surprised that we couldn’t find a more substantive evidence that could be used to answer our research questions.”

“In both the literature review and the case study, we found that options are not expressed in quantitative terms. This finding makes us think that it may not be realistic at all to expect agile teams to reason about options quantitatively. Whether this is the case or not is a line for future research.”

(I emphatically contend that quantification of value in concrete economic terms should be one of the building blocks of articulating this value.)

4. Articulating Value: Deriving Value in Legacy Modernisation

Legacy Modernisation is an involved beast, and usually there are far too many variables to create an exhaustive model. However, a candidate cost model is a starter. We’ll write more about this going forward.

\(C_{HW}\) = Cost of Hardware / Hosting
\(C_{HUF}\) = Cost of manual work equivalent of feature (if completely new feature or if feature has manual interventions)
\(C_{RED}\) = Cost of recovery, including human investments (related to MTTR)
\(C_{LBD}\) = Cost of lost business / productivity during downtime (related to MTTR)
\(C_{ENF}\) = Cost of development of an enhancement to a feature (related to DORA Lead Time)
\(C_{NUF}\) = Cost of development of a new feature (related to DORA Lead Time)
\(C_{BUG}\) = Cost of bug fixes for feature
\(n_D\) = Number of downtime incidents per year
\(n_E\) = Number of enhancements to feature per year
\(n_B\) = Number of bugs in feature per year

The cost of a feature is then denoted by \(V\), and the total value of the feature is \(V_{total}\). These are given by:

\[V=C_{HUF} + n_D.(C_{RED} + C_{LBD}) + n_E.C_{ENF} + n_B.C_{BUG} \\ V_{legacy} = \sum_{i} V_i + C_{HW} + n_F.C_{NUF}\]

In legacy modernisation, the idea is to minimise \(V_{legacy}\), so that \(V_{legacy}-V_{modern} > 0\). Retention of customer base is also a valid use case, which we will touch upon in sequels.

5. Articulating Value: The Value of Metrics (aka, the Cost of Information)

For a metric to have economic value, it must support a decision. Examples of decisions are:

Characteristics of a Decision

Quantify the Decision Model. The Decision Model will probably have multiple variables.

We need to decide what is the importance of these variables in making the decision. If a measurement has zero information value, then it is not worth measuring. When multiple variables are involved, use the EVPI metric coupled with Monte Carlo simulations (assuming the decision model has been quantified) to decide on the most important metrics.

Before we get into the nitty-gritties of how to actually measure this, let’s talk about the chain of value where we trace a metric to its value to the business decision it facilitates.

In general, any metric’s value tree should encapsulate (most of) the following elements.

graph LR; metric[Metric]-->speed[Speed]-->time_to_market[Time to Market]-->first_mover_fast_follower[First Mover/Fast Follower Economic Advantage] time_to_market-->time_value[Time Value of Savings/Profits] first_mover_fast_follower-->|No|no_invest[Don't Invest] first_mover_fast_follower-->|Yes|invest[Invest] time_value-->|Low|less_invest[Invest Less] time_value-->|High|more_invest[Invest More]

It is also important to note that a single metric does not contribute to the speed effect. Other factors like development effort are key input factors in custom software development. Let’s speak of the values which a metric can be traced to.

The Economics of DORA Metrics

What business decisions do DORA metrics support? We can follow the above value tree, and see that they fit in very well with the template.

This is an example value tree for DORA metrics.

graph LR; df[Deployment Frequency]-->speed[Speed]-->time_to_market[Time to Market]-->first_mover_fast_follower[First Mover/Fast Follower Economic Advantage] mlt[Lead Time for Changes]-->speed cfl[Change Failure Rate]-->bugs[Bugs]-->speed time_to_market-->time_value[Time Value of Savings/Profits] first_mover_fast_follower-->|No|no_invest[Don't Invest] first_mover_fast_follower-->|Yes|invest[Invest] time_value-->|Low|less_invest[Invest Less] time_value-->|High|more_invest[Invest More]

There are a lot more concepts that I’d like to cover, including:

I will continue adding more information on the topic of the value of metrics going forward. Stay tuned.


tags: Software Engineering - Software Engineering Economics